Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de junho de 2016
Hawaii Governor David Ige, seen here on June 17, signed a law Friday mandating firearms applicants and owners into an FBI criminal record ...
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West Hawaii Today
Al Cabral, then-president of the Hawaii Horse Owners Association, told the ... Wong's indictment comes less than a month after state Deputy Attorney ...
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Hawaii first state to Monitor Gun Owners
Hawaii first state to Monitor Gun Owners. Lead, [-]. avatar. Posts: 1897. 06/25/16 13:20:22. Tags : None. I absolutely cannot believe this. I gotta wonder ...
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meow said the dog: If you have nothing to hide then who cares? They SHOULD be on a registry and have to register each gun. No private sales.
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