Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de julho de 2016
"I see a lot of different athletes come through Hawaii whether it's Steph Curry ... Bennett first moved to the 50th state after marrying his wife Pele, who is ...
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Hawaii News Now
The state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension names them as Officer .... must be served," but that he wants the state investigation to take its course.
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Hawaii News Now
Edwards, said the U.S. attorney's office in Baton Rouge will look into not only whether civil rights were violated, but also any other violations of state ...
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Hawaii News Now
Later Thursday, State Department spokesman John Kirby said the department was reopening its internal investigation of possible mishandling of ...
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Hawaii Enacts Nation's First 100% Renewable Energy Standard
Hawaii enacted a law this week that mandates that all of the state's electricity comes from renewable sources no later than 2045. The bill makes ...
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These 13 Incredible Spots In Hawaii Offer Jaw-Dropping Panoramic Views
From mountain peaks to valley and ocean lookouts, these 13 incredible spots offer sweeping panoramic views of our beautiful Hawaiian Islands.
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State task group is not limiting itself to the scope of a federal education law
Working through a selected group of 19 voluntary advisers, the governor has called for a "blueprint" to guide a revamping of the state's public school ...
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