Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de janeiro de 2017
HONOLULU, Hawaii, (Jan. 29, 2017) – Bills introduced in the Hawaii legislature would legalize industrial hemp production in the state, setting the ...
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Although officials with the ACLU of Hawaii don't believe anyone has been detained in the islands, Director Mateo Caballero said he's concerned ...
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Hawaii has joined the list of U.S. states looking at legalizing online poker in 2017. It is currently the only state apart from Utah that allows no form of ...
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LIHUE, Hawaii (AP) — The University of Hawaii is working with state leaders to secure $2.5 million to implement a scholarship program for community ...
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Britain's three biggest opposition parties have all called for Trump's state visit to be canceled and an online petition opposing the trip has more than 1 ...
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