Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de fevereiro de 2017
Hawaii state Sen. Rosalyn Baker conducts a hearing on a bill responding to President Donald Trump's promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act on ...
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... Hawaiian in order to take over a lease. Nearly 100 years later, a proposal heard Tuesday at the state capitol aimed to lower that requirement to 1/32.
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"This is a dark day for us, for Zionism, for the state and for the great vision of the Jewish people returning to its homeland," Avichay Buaron, ...
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California's 4th District appellate court ruled that Kevin Rojano-Nieto should spend 25 years to life in state prison. A resentencing date was not ...
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Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is slamming President's Trump's travel ban as reckless and "flat anti-American." "We are a country that ...
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