Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 30 de março de 2017
"Tourism's success through February is already making a significant contribution to the State's tax coffers," George D. Szigeti, President and CEO of ...
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Anti-gasoline bill deferred by panel as DBEDT objects
The state Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism filed testimony Tuesday opposing the target, saying it was "premature" to set ...
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The state Department of Land and Natural Resources proposes to amended Habitat Conservation Plan to increase incidental take for the Hawaiian ...
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Embarcadero is a social community site which connects people who are interested in embarcadero products and also user can access product info, ...
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Less than 1% of US refugees brought to Hawaii since 2010: State Department
Just 20 out of more than 530,000 refugees settled in the United States since 2010 were brought to Hawaii for resettlement, Trump administration ...
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