Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de junho de 2017
(St. Anthony Police department via AP). In this image made from July 6, 2016, video captured by a camera in the squad car of St. Anthony Police officer ...
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Michigan State Police Lt. Mike Shaw said the officer stabbed Wednesday, June 21, ... Police officers gather at a terminal at Bishop International Airport, ...
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KHON cites police sources that say Guion was pulled over Wednesday at 4 a.m. in Waikiki. Police sources told KHON that Guion failed a breathalyzer ...
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Brussels station explosion being treated as terror attack - Honolulu, Hawaii news, ... Brussels police said via Twitter that there was "an incident with an ...
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NBC affiliate KHNL/KGMB in Honolulu, HI reports that police pulled over Letroy Guion, 30, in Waikiki around 4 a.m. Wednesday on a routine traffic stop ...
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