Alerta do Google - Hawaii Weather

Hawaii Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de junho de 2017
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The recent drop in the cost of oil has been a happy surprise for drivers, who are enjoying the cheapest gas prices at the ...
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File- On June 21, 2017, Saudi Arabia's King Salman has elevated his 31-year-old son Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz (pictured) to first in line to ...
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On August 21, 2017 the sun will disappear for a short time. For a swath of the country from Portland, Oregon, to Charleston, South Carolina, it will feel ...
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(CNN) -- Donald Trump may be the President of the United States, but when it comes to passing health care reform through the Senate, Trump is the ...
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The shooter who attacked a GOP baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia, last week carried a list with the names of six ...
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NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- PNC Bank is closing its account with an influential marijuana legalization group, the Marijuana Policy Project. The group ...
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Throngs of journalists and political pundits are hanging on Trump press secretary Sean Spicer's every word, hoping he'll confirm or deny the existence ...
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