Alerta do Google - Hawaii Weather

Hawaii Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 22 de junho de 2017
Kaua'i, Lana'i, and Ni'ihau are the only islands in Hawaii that don't have or want any mongoose because they prey on birds and their eggs including ...
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The National Weather Service is telling residents to take the heat seriously, with a somber warning on its website: "If you don't take precautions ...
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CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (CNN) -- For weeks, President Donald Trump and his administration have felt bogged down and damaged by a seemingly ...
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Story by Clarissa Ward and Salma Abdelaziz CNN. Photographs by Giles Clarke for UN/OCHA. (CNN) -- Batool Ali is six years old, though you would ...
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Two additional medical marijuana dispensaries – one on Oahu, the other on Kauai – were recently given the green light by the state Health ...
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