Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 9 de julho de 2017
The Hawaii Police Department is asking for the public's help in processing court bench warrants. Whenever an individual ignores a court summons or ...
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TEXAS CITY, TX (KTRK/CNN) – The family of a man who died in December says a former police officer took $2,400 from their loved one while he was ...
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... Division said Sunday his forces have achieved "victory" in the sector allotted to them, after a similar announcement by the militarized Federal Police.
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The Russian military police -- coordinating with the US and Jordan -- will initially ensure security around the de-escalation zone, officials said.
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Her back story gradually emerges: mixed-race, brought up in Hawaii, ... There is even a fascinating showdown as her police nemesis offers her a ...
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