Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de julho de 2017
On Thursday, Democratic-led Hawaii became the third state to enact a law requiring notification to law enforcement when people prohibited from ...
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The state is asking federal Judge Derrick K. Watson to clarify the scope of ... "The State of Hawaii is entitled to the enforcement of the injunction that it ...
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With a family history of service to his nation and a deep love of Hawaii, ... Hawaii's legislative process through the University of Hawaii's Hawaii State ...
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A state government communique issued Saturday says 15 municipal police officers were attacked by 19 people riding in four pickup trucks in the town ...
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Hawaii's new CARE Act ensures family caregivers get vital health info ... once they are discharged," said Barbara Kim Stanton, AARP state director.
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The shooting happened at the Power Ultra Lounge, a club in a two-story building downtown about 1 mile (1.61 kilometer) east of the state Capitol.
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According to the Hawaii state Department of Health, when infecting a human, the parasites can't reproduce or mature, and they will die in due course.
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