Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de agosto de 2017
That's where the science and technology part comes in—along with support from the state government of Hawaii, which hopes to ease the state's ...
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Andy Manar, a Bunker Hill Democrat, says a veto of the bill sets the state "back decades." Both parties agree the 20-year-old formula Illinois uses to ...
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State and National Parks Service officials are gearing up for potential ... However, in October of 2016, the Hawaii Supreme Court issued its ruling in ...
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Third photo: Hawaii State House Speaker Emeritus Joe Souki poses with Maui Economic Opportunity Chief Executive Officer Debbie Cabebe after ...
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"There is an affordability crisis in this city," Jessyn Farrell, a former state lawmaker and one of the six leading candidates, said during a recent televised ...
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US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday, April 12, 2017 that relations with Moscow are at a low point after meetings in Russia that seemed ...
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NORTH HAWAII — While public, charter and private schools each serve ... in the mid-1960s, and by 1993 home education was legal in every state.
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Maui Health System, the Kaiser Permanente Hawaii entity that took over operation of three state-owned hospitals in Maui County earlier this month, ...
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