Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 2 de agosto de 2017
Every August, the Hawaii State Judiciary mails juror questionnaires to individuals who have a Hawaii state driver's license or are registered to vote in ...
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The state Board of Land and Natural Resources denied his petition. ... Hawaii grants the foreign fishermen licenses to fish, but they aren't allowed to ...
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The iconic dish of the state of Hawaii is not so much a dish as it is a way of eating and that�s why it has a funny name � �plate lunch.� Now, the exact ...
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Also Tuesday, Wisconsin state lawmakers wrestled with how quickly to proceed on a $3 billion tax incentive package to land the massive plant.
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On Monday, the state Department of Health certified Honolulu-based lab Steep Hill Hawaii. That brings Hawaii closer to the long-awaited date when ...
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The wreck happened when the bus heading on a state highway to Washington state struck a large sign post head-on. Driver fatigue was believed to ...
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"The data revealed that nearly half of the juvenile criminals in the state of Hawaii were coming out of that one area," Laanui said. "That one little plot of ...
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Covered California, the state-run exchange, will add a "CSR surcharge" of 12.4%, on average, to silver-level policies in 2018 unless the president and ...
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Shiites are a minority in Afghanistan and have been threatened by the affiliate of the Islamic State group that operates in the country's east.
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For the people of Hawai'i, their elected representatives, and the military commands charged with defense of the state, there are several interconnected ...
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Utah State's home opener against Idaho State on Thursday, Sept. 6, will kick off at 6 p.m., while its home finale against Hawai'i on Saturday, Nov.
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If you have any information about the wheelchair, you can either call Mizuno's office at (808) 586-6050 or drop it off at the Hawaii State Capitol Room ...
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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that the US is willing to sit down for talks with North Korea, but only if it relinquishes its pursuit of nuclear weapons ...
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