Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de setembro de 2017
KAILUA-KONA — Hawaii is neglecting a "hidden economy" by significantly undervaluing its nearshore fisheries both economically and culturally, ...
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In Hawaii County, the index crime level decreased 24.1 percent and the ... Perrone said he did find an anomaly in his analysis of the state's crime ...
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Earlier this week, in a hearing held by Judge Yeakel, attorneys for the state argued that dilation and evacuation, also known as D&E, is a "particularly ...
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FEMA is globally known for responding to disasters that overwhelm state and local governments. However, the 2006 Hurricane Katrina challenges ...
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Specifically, the bill asks the Hawaii State Auditor to obtain from HART "a detailed financial plan that describes the predicted means by which the the ...
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