Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 27 de outubro de 2017
As Hurricane Harvey punctuated its arrival with a seemingly never-ending deluge of rain, no one would have blamed Houston Police Officer Norbert ...
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Hawaii's public defender is reviewing the criminal cases handled by four Honolulu police officers and a deputy city prosecutor to uncover any possible ...
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Former police chief who brought 911 to Maui County dies ... San Diego graduated from the University of Hawaii with a bachelor's degree in business ...
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Cooper, a member of Parliament from northwest England, said she wanted to thank the police "for keeping me, my staff and the public safe." Last year ...
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Almost all (98%) police-reported sexual assaults were classified as level 1 ... The median delay in reporting to police — the time between when the ... In 2004, a company called Hawaii Superferry contracted with a boatbuilding ...
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Thousands of police and volunteers were on hand to ensure order and entry into the historic royal quarter was tightly controlled to eliminate the faint ...
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