Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de dezembro de 2017
A car plowed into a crowd of Christmas shoppers today in Melbourne, Australia, in what police are calling a "deliberate act." Two people have been arrested in connection with the incident, though police say it is too early in the investigation to name a motive. Thankfully, no one was killed, but more than a ...
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Even in Hawaii, which has had its law for decades and imposes a $97 fine for driving with a "person, animal, or object" in your lap, officials don't track how many of those citations by police specifically involved animals. Last year, Honolulu police issued 38 such citations; this year they issued 13, ...
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In 2002, though, The Boston Globe began a series of stories that revealed that Law and his predecessors had transferred child-molesting priests from parish to parish without alerting parents or police — a scandal later chronicled in the Oscar-winning film "Spotlight." Within months, Catholics around the ...
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