Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de dezembro de 2017
Those who read Civil Beat regularly know what we're about: accountability, transparency and in-depth reporting on Hawaii's biggest issues. ... Peyton's heartbreaking story was uncovered by investigations editor John Hill, whose reporting exposed the Honolulu Police Department's flawed investigation ...
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Police arrested Unga and her passenger, David Kinikini, after a 2003 Ford Explorer operated by Unga slammed into a bus stop fronting the Hauula Kai Shopping Center Saturday afternoon. Police said the sport utility vehicle was traveling Kahuku-bound on Kamehameha Highway when, for unknown ...
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In late September and October, he repeatedly railed against NFL players who chose to kneel during the pregame National Anthem in protest against racism and police brutality. Trump's prescription? Team owners, he said during a speech in Alabama, should bench or fire the demonstrators.
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LIHUE — The Kauai Police Department recently completed a risk assessment study of Kauai's public schools in an effort to keep students and faculty safe should an active shooter incident occur on campus. The study, called "Project Guardian," began in July and entailed a vulnerability assessment of the ...
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