Alerta do Google - Hawaii Police

Hawaii Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de dezembro de 2017
An investigation supported by video surveillance showed Williams did not violate the other driver's right of way, the Palm Beach Gardens Police said in an investigative report obtained by CNN affiliate WPBF. "Based upon this investigation and relevant Florida state statutes, no charges will be filed in this ...
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McKeague and his students are hoping the police will patrol this area more often. "This is about protecting our citizens, our kupuna. We need to protect them. This is their safe place," he said. McKeague became a victim after trying to reason with an aggressive person. A city spokesperson said if you ever ...
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Nor is there much information available about how often police ticket drivers for being distracted by their pets. Even in Hawaii, which has had its law for decades and imposes a $97 fine for driving with a "person, animal, or object" in your lap, officials don't track how many of those citations by police ...
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