Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 21 de dezembro de 2017
KAILUA-KONA — A state tax official and Big Island legislator offered starkly opposing views to the precise effect the tax reform bill passed Wednesday by Congress will have on Hawaii residents. "When you look at the broad position as opposed to the narrow ones, it's overall going to be helpful in that it ...
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HONOLULU (AP) — Almost 94 percent of rats in the Hilo region are infected with the parasite that causes rat lungworm disease, a recent study on the meningitis-like disease showed. The research was released Monday as the state started its first statewide campaign to prevent the disease. The most ...
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Last week, the Hawaii Supreme Court ruled that Russo had, in fact, responded to the officers' orders. It thus dismissed the case of State of Hawaii vs. Russo and gave the defendant some news to celebrate. But the high court also recognized, as other courts have, that there is a constitutional right to film ...
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Hawaii Department of Education. 1390 Miller Street, Suite 307. Honolulu, HI 96813. Dear Superintendent Kishimoto: Thank you for submitting Hawaii's consolidated State plan to implement requirements of covered programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as.
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Time in hawaii
What's the time in Hawaii? Hawaii is in the Hawaii Time Zone. Convert to any local time in the world. to offer one-way plane tickets to homeless people, according to the Honolulu Civil Beat. Get Honolulu's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Police in The Aloha State signaled this week that ...
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