Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de dezembro de 2017
Beginning on Monday, as part of the legislation that overhauled the country's tax code, deductions for real property taxes and state income taxes will be capped at $10,000. Prepaying by Friday will allow people to deduct the full amount. Former Honolulu Mayor Peter Carlisle figures he can save about a ...
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By Cameron Miculka West Hawaii Today ... The report, released Thursday morning by the state Office of the Auditor, announced three major findings: communication breakdowns between Disease Outbreak Control and other DOH divisions, state and county responders ...
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Join our Youth Services Librarian for a Saturday morning filled with lots of music and dancing and stories. There will be a strong emphasis on singing accompanied with words to help budding readers get used to pronunciation. Will be offered every 3rd Saturday of the month. Program schedule is subject ...
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