Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de dezembro de 2017
Sen. Bob Corker, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he had a "long, frank" conversation with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Thursday, and that based on the meeting, the secretary doesn't appear to be preparing to be ousted. "Maybe it's happening, but I don't think the ...
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The Duma will consider the resolution next week, Olga Savastyanova, head of the Duma's lower chamber's committee on regulations and control, told the state news wire RIA. It will need to go through several steps, including being passed by committee, the upper house and the lower house before the ...
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Newcomers are limited to Qatar Airways, state carrier of the 2022 World Cup host, and Russian state-controlled energy firm Gazprom. Chinese property firm Wanda Group is another new top sponsor. The second sponsorship tier is only half full, with veterans McDonald's and Budweiser being joined by ...
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Over the next year, they are offering a series of seminars and one-on-one sessions, for the sole purpose of educating Hawaii's small businesses on how to grow and succeed globally. They are the best in the state at removing barriers and creating big opportunities. The HiSTEP Kick-Off includes a series ...
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