Alerta do Google - Hawaii Weather

Hawaii Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de dezembro de 2017
Hawaii isn't known as a mecca for high technology. But the state estimates there are 80,000 people in the tech and innovation industry here. And hundreds more want to apply. That was evident Thursday night at the Hawaii Technology Development Corporations annual holiday tech job fair. Nearly 50 ...
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"It's better than being in 20 degree weather," added Maryland resident, Logan Nocket. According to the report, visitors have spent a total of $1.29 billion this November, which is 4.5 percent more compared to last year. HTA says that pushes the state's total in visitor spending from over the past 11 months ...
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A city youth group was planning grief counseling and police renewed a plea Thursday for people to come forward with any information leading to the killer of two women and two young children in what the police chief called the worst act of "savagery" he's seen in four decades on the job. Troy police on ...
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