Alerta do Google - Hawaii Weather

Hawaii Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 29 de dezembro de 2017
On Jan. 3, it will be 35 years since the eruption of Pu'u O'o on Kilauea Volcano's East Rift Zone and it's still going strong, according to the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Volcano experts reflect on what happened at Pu'u O'o during 2017. The year started off with the collapse of the eastern Kamokuna ...
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A suspect wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with "Trust Me" allegedly stole a car with an accomplice in Fairfax County, Virginia. The Washington Post reports that the two suspects from Falls Church were arrested by police in the stolen car not long after the unlocked Honda Civic was taken as it warmed up.
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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said the US and Russia have a "poor relationship," a declaration made in a year-end New York Times op-ed he wrote assessing the State Department during his 2017 tenure. Tillerson's piece for the Thursday morning edition of the Times maintained the balance he has ...
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FBI investigations into sexual assaults on airplanes are becoming more frequent by the year. A recent CNN report puts the figures at a 66% increase from 2014 to 2017 alone. And a recent survey of flight attendants found that a whopping one in five have received, while working, a report of a ...
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The Government Accountability Office released a report in October that said the US government has spent more than $350 billion over the past decade in response to extreme weather and fire events and estimated that the US would incur far higher costs as the years progress if global emission rates ...
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