Alerta do Google - Hawaii State

Hawaii State
Atualização assim que ocorre 8 de novembro de 2017
The state Department of Public Safety on Wednesday is expected to unveil the site of a new prison facility for Oahu. Corrections officials had ...
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Florida State University has indefinitely suspended all fraternities and sororities days after the death of a fraternity pledge who had attended a party, ...
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(TNS) - The North Korean nuclear threat will soon enter Hawaii living rooms a little more forcefully as the state adds an "attack warning" wavering-tone ...
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Virginia's gubernatorial contest was the first major test of Democrats' ability to rebound after Trump's victory. The fundamentals of the state were in their ...
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- On Tuesday night in Virginia, former journalist Danica Roem, a Democrat, knocked off 13-term Republican state Del.
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Brian Schatz, a Democrat from Hawaii, called it "unfathomable to the ... and state-sponsored actors as their methods "become more sophisticated.".
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University of Hawai'i cacao among world's best ... extension specialist H.C. "Skip" Bittenbender, who established the Hawai'i State Cacao Trial with the ...
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Gillespie embraced Trump's agenda, but that was a losing strategy in a purple state that is steadily turning blue. The President promptly distanced ...
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